miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

Cuentos cantados (parte II)

"The oldest living tree is a Swedish spruce -- 9,550 years,
 it says so here. 
Then there are bristlecone pines in United States 
that live up to 5,000 years."
"Yeah, ok, but why doesn't my tree get any love?"
"Yes, I'm saying it's and old, beautiful tree, 
and you're saying blah blah blah."
"Well, first of all, it's not your tree. 
Second of all, it's not getting any love
 because it's behind a wall 
and we can't get to it."

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camina, camina...

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... y camina

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desde los cielos, hasta..

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the end of St.Petesburg

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